Aaron came home from work the other night and mustered from the profound Depths of his Soul such a Truth as has never been uttered in the Lambson Household. He stood still for a moment, watching me as I went busily about clearing the assorted dirty dinner dishes from the table, periodically shouting at my two little bathers, "Girls, stop that splashing in there!", throwing in the occasional, "Tanner, you'd better not be on that computer again!" for good measure, all the while maneuvering around the play house slash impromptu puppet theater Hannah and Tanner built out of a cast-off box that never made it to the dumpster, and he said with palpable sincerity-- truly, I saw it in his eyes as I scurried by with the crusty noodle pan-- "Cat, kids are hard."
Ah, wordy word, my friend. Wordy word.