What breaks a mother's heart-- even more so than the knowledge that her tempestuous bursts of temper, complete with loud yelling and angry, furrowed eyebrows, caused passionate, stormy tears and general unhappiness in one unfortunate child-- are the pitiable attempts of the not aggrieved children to convey love and affection toward the aforementioned angry mother.
You know. Within the next few, tense moments, there are the spontaneous hugs or I love you's. Proffered gifts of hastily created crafts. A quickly scrawled card emblazoned with smiley faces and hearts, perhaps.
All of which said mother totally doesn't deserve. All of which said mother knows are innocent, childish attempts to deflect her anger. Please, I'm the good one, please, still love me, please?
All of which eventually manage to break through said mother's unwarranted anger and frustration, bringing mortification and shame in their wake. ALL of which break said mother's heart.
Into pieces.