1) Shouting "Down in front!" at the freaking tall people who crowd right in front of you even though they can clearly see that you are too short to see anything over their big ass noggins is frowned upon in Biennial Town Hall Meetings with the Agency Administrator. Ditto "Oi! You make a better wall than a window, dude!"
2) Baby boomers know how to give good phone. Note it.
3) Standing Room Only is no fun at all. Always find a wall on which to lean. Don't be shy. Crowd those wall hoggers. They don't own the wall. Tell them so if necessary.
4) Spray-on tans look reeeeally creepy on women's feet. For reals. That ain't right.
5) Hello?! Sloppy dress equals sloppy work? Leave the jogging suits and beach sandals at home, GOSH! (Note to self: change out of flip-flops when get back to cube.)
- commented:
"Oi! You make a better wall than a window, dude!" ROFL.
So did anything productive happen at the Biennial Town Hall Meeting? Or was it all just hot air, bad fashion, and spray tanned feet?- » 6/13/2006 1:13 PM
- Unknown commented:
Oh man, Odd Mix, I seriously hope it was nothing more than hot air, bad fashion and spray-tanned feet. Anything productive wouldn't be so blogworthy...
- » 6/14/2006 7:22 AM